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Our Committees

Our COmmittiees

Members are comprised of community, safety-net organizations providing services to underserved residents of Mecklenburg County and the Greater Charlotte region. Each member pays annual dues based on their operating budget. The dues support all MedLink programming throughout the year.
Becoming a member of MedLink of Mecklenburg can connect your organization with a wide range of benefits, including grant opportunities, networking, donated and discounted products/services, and more. Learn more about how to join
Governance Committee

The governance committee is responsible for assisting the Board of Directors of MedLink of Mecklenburg, to ensure the effectiveness of the overall governance of the organization.

Education Committee

The Education Committee is responsible for providing guidance and oversight for the development of various MedLink of Mecklenburg educational activities, including but not limited to, the annual community forum and the educational series. The education Committee will explore and develop educational programs in response to needs identified through MedLink and community members.

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee is responsible for the recruitment, retention, member benefits and overall satisfaction of MedLink of Mecklenburg members. The Committee shall plan, develop, guide implementation, and evaluate member satisfaction with benefits and services.

Mobile Care Committee

The Mobile Care committee is responsible for advocating for changes that will positively affect health access for community members; collaborating with partners/initiatives already addressing access issues; and developing community and agency-based strategies to improve care coordination among providers that offer alternative pathways to care.

Housing & Homelessness Committee

The Healthcare + Housing committee is a joint committee as part of the Mecklenburg County Contiuum of Care. The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Continuum of Care fosters collaboration by having an open and inclusive process for inviting new members to participate in the CoC. Organizations and individuals are welcome to join the CoC at any time.